1. Our standard delivery terms are delivery by Registered Post from Ireland, and this delivery incurs no additional charge.
  • Delivery by courier service is available, however, it will incur additional charges. Please contact us for further details.
  • If part of the order is delayed because the relevant items are out of stock, the delayed items will be dispatched as soon as stock becomes available.
  • All deliveries must be to a residential address specified by you and, if you have an account with us, must be to the address you provided us with when you registered.
  • Once your order has been dispatched you will be sent an email showing you how to track your order by going to the carrier website; please ensure that your registered email address is correct to receive this service.
  • We ship all our orders from the Republic of Ireland.  You may find that import taxes and duties are applicable to your order: these are levied on point of arrival and it is your responsibility to pay them.  We cannot control the amounts involved because different countries have different tariffs, customs charges and policies.  You will need to address any queries about these matters to the authorities in your own country.